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Posted 29/08/2023 in Safety Tips

Avoiding Bird Strikes: Proactive Measures and Response Strategies

Avoiding Bird Strikes: Proactive Measures and Response Strategies

Bird strikes are an aviation concern that cannot be ignored. These incidents can compromise flight safety, causing significant damage to aircraft and, in some cases, leading to catastrophic outcomes. This article delves into proactive measures and response strategies to mitigate the risks of bird strikes, thereby ensuring safer skies for everyone.

The Threat of Bird Strikes

Bird strikes often occur during take-off and landing when an aircraft is at a lower altitude. While the consequences can range from minor to severe, no aircraft, whether commercial or private, is entirely immune to the risk.

Proactive Measures: What Can Be Done?

1. Airfield Management

Effective wildlife management around airfields is critical. This involves removing any features that attract birds, such as ponds, food sources, or nesting areas.

2. Avian Radar

Investment in advanced avian radar can help identify and track bird movements, providing crucial information for flight planning.

3. Pilot Training

Pilots should receive thorough training in bird strike avoidance and what actions to take in the event of a collision.

Response Strategies: Post-Strike Actions

1. Immediate Response

The pilot should follow standard emergency procedures, which include notifying air traffic control and assessing aircraft damage.

2. Landing Considerations

Depending on the severity of the strike, an emergency landing may be warranted.

3. Documentation

Detailed reporting of the bird strike is essential for data collection and future prevention strategies.

A Case for Technology

Emerging technologies like drone deterrence systems and bird-repelling lasers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, providing new avenues for prevention.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some proactive measures against bird strikes?

Proactive measures include effective airfield wildlife management, the use of avian radar, and pilot training focused on bird strike avoidance.

What should a pilot do immediately after a bird strike?

Following a bird strike, the pilot should adhere to standard emergency procedures, notify air traffic control, and assess the aircraft for damage.

Are there any emerging technologies to prevent bird strikes?

Yes, emerging technologies like drone deterrence systems and bird-repelling lasers offer new strategies for avoiding bird strikes.


Avoiding bird strikes is a multi-faceted challenge requiring a blend of proactive measures and well-practiced response strategies. With technology and awareness on our side, the skies can become a safer place for all involved.