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Posted 29/08/2023 in Safety Tips

Dealing with In-Flight Fires: Safety Measures You Should Know

Dealing with In-Flight Fires: Safety Measures You Should Know

In-flight fires are one of the most alarming emergencies that can occur during a flight. While such incidents are rare, knowing how to respond effectively can make a life-or-death difference. This article aims to inform you about crucial safety measures to consider if you ever find yourself in such an unfortunate situation.

Identifying the Source

Electrical Fires

Electrical fires often originate from faulty wiring or malfunctioning electronic devices. Turn off the power source immediately if you suspect an electrical fire.

Engine Fires

These are the most dangerous type of in-flight fire and typically require an immediate emergency landing.

Cabin Fires

Often caused by careless smoking or portable electronic devices, these fires can usually be contained quickly if caught early.

Safety Tools Onboard

Different types of fire extinguishers are available onboard for various kinds of fires, including CO2, water mist, and Halon gas extinguishers.

Fire Blankets

Used to smother small fires or wrap around a person whose clothing is on fire

Oxygen Masks

In the event of smoke, oxygen masks will drop down. Wear the mask to protect against smoke inhalation.

Procedures to Follow

Alert Crew

Inform the cabin crew immediately. They are trained to deal with such emergencies.

Follow Instructions

Listen carefully to the crew and pilot announcements and follow all instructions.

Evacuate if Necessary

Only evacuate the aircraft if instructed to do so, and follow the illuminated emergency exit signs.

Fire Safety Training for Crew

Pilots and cabin crew undergo intensive fire safety training, including simulations and drills to prepare them for real-life scenarios. Their primary role is to protect passengers, control the fire, and land the aircraft safely.

Tips for Passengers

  • Never Smoke in Lavatories: It's not just against the law; it's a significant fire hazard
  • Monitor Devices: Keep an eye on your electronic devices. Heat or unusual smells can indicate an impending issue.
  • Read Safety Card: Always read the safety card and listen to the safety demo at the start of each flight.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common causes of in-flight fires?

In-flight fires are usually caused by electrical issues, engine malfunctions, or negligence like improper disposal of cigarettes.

What types of fire extinguishers are available onboard?

Aircraft usually carry different types of fire extinguishers for various fires, including CO2, water mist, and Halon gas extinguishers.

What role does the crew play during an in-flight fire?

The crew is trained to manage fire emergencies, from identifying the source and using the correct firefighting tools to safely evacuating passengers if necessary.


Though in-flight fires are a rare occurrence, having a strong understanding of what to do can drastically increase your odds of survival. By adhering to safety guidelines and listening to the trained professionals onboard, passengers can play a vital role in ensuring everyone's safety during such emergencies.